What are the potential hazards of insufficient lubrication of organic fertilizer equipment

 Inadequate lubrication of organic fertilizer equipment can result in a variety of potential damages, including but not limited to the following:

1. Mechanical failure: the equipment in operation movement lag, uneven speed, power consumption is large, may produce vibration and noise, and sometimes make the motor overheat, can not reach the design parameters, if this time increase the motor power, but also make the machinery excessive heat. Transmission components, such as bearings, belts, gears, etc., will be severely damaged.

2. Vibration and noise: Due to insufficient lubrication, abnormal vibration and noise may occur during the operation of the organic fertilizer production line, which will not only reduce the performance of the machine, but also may lead to a substandard working environment.

3. Parts damage: Insufficient lubrication may lead to mechanical equipment parts wear, bite, peeling and other damage, these damage will worsen the state of motion, and lubrication is difficult to work.

4. Increase of equipment failure rate: long-term insufficient lubrication will accelerate the wear and aging of equipment, increase the failure rate of equipment, and affect the continuity and stability of production.

5. Rising maintenance costs: Equipment failure due to insufficient lubrication may require more frequent maintenance and replacement of parts, thus increasing maintenance costs.

(6) Shortened equipment life: insufficient lubrication will directly affect the service life of the equipment, long-term lack of proper lubrication equipment may need to be replaced or scrapped earlier than expected.

In order to reduce these potential damages, ensure that the lubrication system of organic fertilizer equipment is properly maintained and maintained, including regular inspection of the quality and quantity of lubricating oil, timely replacement of worn lubricating parts, and training of operators to properly perform lubrication procedures.


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