
Showing posts from November, 2023

How much moisture is required for organic fertilizer granulation?

  Organic fertilizer granulator   in the whole process of production and processing, the material is required to have a certain viscosity , and some raw materials are loose after fermentation, and it is not easy to granulate, so it is necessary to add some water or adhesive to improve the viscosity of the material.  Disc granulator   and wet test granulation, water or adhesive will be added in the whole process of granulation to ensure that the material can be fully granulated. The  new  type  organic fertilizer granulator  uses wet test granulation, and the material after fermentation can be granulated immediately, without the operation process of other production processes. The roller extrusion granulator adopts the production process without boring and tasteless at room temperature, and the granulation of materials with relatively low viscosity can be used. If the moisture content of the material is too high, you can moderately add some dry materials to melt the moisture content. If

Environmental protection organic fertilizer production line dust pollution solution

  Environmental protection  organic fertilizer production line  dust pollution is an important problem, need to take effective solutions. Here are some possible solutions: 1. Adopt new environmental protection  organic fertilizer equipment : New environmental protection equipment can be used to reduce dust emissions in the production process and reduce pollution to the environment. 2. Strengthen management: Strengthen the management of the production process, which can reduce the generation and emission of dust. For example, regular maintenance and overhaul of the production line can be carried out to detect and deal with problems in time to ensure the normal operation of the production line. At the same time, strict emission standards and management systems can be formulated to monitor and manage emissions to ensure that the production process meets environmental protection requirements. 3. Change the production process: Change the production process, you can use a more environmentall

What are the equipment for crushing organic fertilizer raw materials in the machine fertilizer production line?

  Organic fertilizer raw materials vary in size, not suitable for fermentation, granulation and other work, need to be crushed before it can be carried out. What are the equipment for crushing organic fertilizer raw materials in  organic fertilizer production line ? The equipment for crushing organic fertilizer raw materials is called  organic fertilizer crusher , which pulverizes large raw materials such as animal feces or branches and grinds them to the next level of equipment requirements to better apply them. There are many kinds of organic fertilizer grinding equipment, including semi-wet material mill, chain mill, cage mill and so on. Here is a detailed introduction to several organic fertilizer grinding equipment: 1, half -wet material crusher  is also called high wet material crusher and wet material crusher, can crush the water content of 25-50% of the material, high efficiency, no blockage, simple operation only one person can easily fix. 2, the  chain crusher  uses the same

Maintenance and maintenance of organic fertilizer on roller extrusion granulator

  The  double roller press granulator  is a common granulation equipment for  organic fertilizer production line , which is composed of two relatively rotating rolls. The grooves of the particle size required by customers are distributed on the surface of the roller skin. The material enters the organic fertilizer extrusion granulator and is processed into granular organic fertilizer after being extruded by two rollers. Organic fertilizer roller extrusion granulator without drying process production, room temperature granulation, one molding. With less investment, good economic benefits; Small power reliable operation, no three wastes emissions, stable operation, easy maintenance, reasonable process layout, advanced technology, low production cost. Which parts of the roller extrusion granulator are composed of? The organic chemical frame, motor, reducer, engine, crushing and other parts of roller extrusion pelletizer are composed. Maintenance and precautions for roller extrusion granul

Analysis of the reasons for wall sticking in chicken manure dryer equipment

  Chicken manure  organic fertilizer dryer , usually wet wall phenomenon in the usual processing process, the reason for the wet wall phenomenon is that some raw materials stick to the inner cavity of the dryer cylinder, and then harm all the normal productivity of the  organic fertilizer production line , so how to reasonably deal with this phenomenon? The key reason for the sticky wall of the chicken manure organic fertilizer dryer equipment is that the actual effect of the atomization of the equipment is not good. Because the actual effect of the atomization of the chicken manure organic fertilizer dryer equipment is not good in the whole drying process, if the equipment is atomized, a lot of fine particles may be produced in the barrel. Fine particulate matter reduces the drying speed and quality of raw materials during the whole drying process. Second, in the process of processing the cyclone on the chicken manure organic fertilizer dryer equipment caused by sticky wall is also a

What are the advantages of new environmental protection organic fertilizer drum granulation equipment?

  With the continuous increase of environmental protection, why can the new environmental protection organic fertilizer  rotary drum granulator  become the current popular equipment? The advantages of the new environmental protection organic fertilizer drum granulator over the traditional  organic fertilizer granulator  are mainly as follows: 1, compared with the traditional organic fertilizer granulation equipment, the use of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene lining or acid-resistant stainless steel lining, greatly reducing the phenomenon of material adhesion, while reducing labor costs. 2, the heating method compared with the traditional organic fertilizer granulation equipment, the use of unique steam heating, not only reduces the production cost, while the pelleting rate can reach 70%, reducing the size of the return material. 3, the new environmental protection organic fertilizer drum granulation equipment appearance of good quality, corrosion resistance, low energy consump

New type organic fertilizer granulator: a revolutionary increase in output production

  With the continuous development of agricultural science and technology, the emergence of  new  type  organic fertilizer granulators  has provided strong support for the improvement of agricultural output. This advanced  organic fertilizer equipment   can effectively granulate organic fertilizers, thereby improving fertilizer utilization and crop yield. The new organic fertilizer granulator uses advanced granulation technology and can produce organic fertilizers of different particle sizes and nutrients according to different crops and soil conditions. This flexible nature allows the fertilizer to better adapt to different growth needs, thereby increasing crop yields. The new organic fertilizer granulator has high production efficiency. Its automated and intelligent operation process can greatly reduce the production time of  organic fertilizer production lines  and reduce production costs. The organic fertilizer pellets produced by the new organic fertilizer granulator have high qual

Basic configuration and working principle of organic fertilizer production line

  Organic fertilizer equipment   can process raw materials rich in organic matter into ideal organic fertilizer sales, so as to obtain profits. The raw materials for the production of organic fertilizer are widely sourced, such as various livestock and poultry manure, urban sludge, animal and plant residues, etc. These raw materials are rich in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other crop production nutrients. And the purchase price is very low. The equipment required for the  organic fertilizer production line  includes fermentation, crushing, mixing, granulation, drying, cooling, screening, automatic packaging, belt transportation, coating equipment, etc. The working principle of organic fertilizer production line: collect raw materials, and then mix raw materials according to the required formula, adjust the water and carbon nitrogen ratio of raw materials, and start fermentation; After fermentation, the material is crushed by grinder. The pulverized material forms

Organic fertilizer round polishing machine equipment continuous discharge to improve production efficiency

  The  ball shaping machine  is an important part of  organic fertilizer equipment . The full name of the round polishing machine is organic fertilizer particle polishing machine. It is used in the production of organic fertilizer equipment to round and polish the columnar particle materials with good plasticity from the extrusion granulator. It is a new type of round polishing equipment improved on the basis of old organic fertilizer equipment. Old round throwers can only be fed once and again. This new type of round polishing machine can realize continuous feeding and discharging and improve production efficiency. The cylindrical particle material rotates with the throwing disc under the action of friction. The cylinder is fixed. In this way, the cylindrical material in the cylinder is rotated in a twisting pattern along the edge of the cylinder and the wall of the cylinder under the action of centrifugal force. The continuous feed reaches the discharge height of the discharge port o

The breeding industry also needs organic fertilizer production equipment to solve livestock and poultry manure

  In recent years, the livestock and poultry industry has developed rapidly. There are a lot of family farming and large-scale farms. In some areas, due to the large amount of livestock feces, concentrated, if the livestock feces can not be effectively and timely treatment and utilization, will emit odor, with rainwater discharged into rivers, lakes, pollution of water and atmospheric environment. With  organic fertilizer equipment , we can solve problems one by one. Organic fertilizer production line can turn waste into treasure,  organic fertilizer production line  has become a development direction of the current machinery industry. Organic fertilizer equipment is a kind of chicken and pig feces as the main raw materials, add a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, and other substances, with rice bran, yeast, soybean meal and sugar fermentation for a certain time as biological bacteria, under the action of mixed fermentation to produce bi

Use and maintenance of organic fertilizer dryer equipment

  Organic fertilizer dryer  is a kind of drying machine that can dry a variety of materials, simple and reliable operation, because of the reliable operation of the dryer, strong adaptability, large processing capacity, widely used in metallurgy, building materials, food, light industry, chemical industry, coal, medical mining industry, favored by users. Before using the dryer, do the following: 1. Before the work of the  organic fertilizer production line , check whether the moving parts, bearings, conveyor belts, triangle belts are damaged, and repair or replace them in time. 2. Lubrication maintenance: the hot fan adds lubricating oil every 100 hours, the cold fan adds lubricating oil every 400 hours. Maintain and replace grease every 1000 hours of operation. Crane and conveyor bearings should be maintained and lubricated per shift. 3. Maintenance of wearing parts: bearing, bearing seat, bucket, bucket screws are easy to loose, should be maintained frequently. Conveyor bearings and

The type of fertilizer that can be processed by the organic fertilizer equipment

  In recent years, with the improvement of environmental awareness and the development of agricultural technology, the application of organic fertilizer equipment is more and more extensive. Organic fertilizer equipment can not only improve the yield and quality of crops, but also reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides and reduce environmental pollution. The types of fertilizers that can be processed by  organic fertilizer equipment  mainly include: compost, cake fertilizer, biogas fertilizer, green fertilizer and so on. These fertilizers are organic, rich in nutrients that plants need, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc., which is very good for crop growth. Compost is a kind of fertilizer made by fermentation of various organic substances. It is rich in organic matter and microorganisms, which can improve soil structure and soil fertility. Cake fertilizer is made of plant fruits, stems and leaves through  organic fertilizer production line  processing made of fertilize

Rotary Drum granulator granulation characteristics

  Among the many  organic fertilizer granulators , the  rotary  drum granulator  stands out for its unique granulation characteristics. This device makes it easy to achieve efficient particle generation to meet various production needs. The granulation process of rotary drum granulator is highly automated. Through the preset program, the equipment can automatically complete the whole granulation process without manual intervention. This greatly improves production efficiency and reduces labor costs. High particle uniformity of drum granulator. The  organic fertilizer equipment  adopts advanced granulation technology, and the particles generated are uniform in size and meet the quality standards. In addition, the granulation process of the drum granulator is environmentally friendly. The dust and noise generated during the operation of the equipment have been effectively controlled, reducing environmental pollution. This is undoubtedly an important advantage for factories that meet envi

The advantages of organic fertilizer production line fermentation organic fertilizer

  In modern agriculture,  organic fertilizer production line  fermentation of organic fertilizer is getting more and more attention. This fertilizer can not only improve the fertility of the soil, but also help to promote plant absorption and improve crop yield and quality. Fermented organic fertilizer is rich in a large number of beneficial microorganisms, which can effectively decompose organic matter in the soil, increase the porosity and permeability of the soil, and facilitate the growth and development of plant roots. In addition, these microbes can help the soil better absorb and store water, improving the soil's drought resistance. The organic matter in the organic fertilizer fermented by the  organic fertilizer equipment   can provide a variety of nutrient elements required by the plant. These elements include not only a large number of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also medium elements such as calcium, magnesium and sulfur, as well as trace elem