
Showing posts from June, 2020

Can NPK fertilizer be mixed with organic fertilizer

Can NPK compound fertilizer be mixed with fermented and decomposed organic fertilizer? The answer is: of course. Fertilizer is a very important link in traditional agricultural production, and the way of fertilizer collocation is mostly. Now fertilizer granulator manufacturers will introduce the function of mixing organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer for you. 1. When the straw is returned to the field and the immature organic fertilizer is applied, adding chemical nitrogen fertilizer can avoid the slow supply of crop due to the early nitrogen deficiency, and the nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen need to be provided at the same time in the mature stage of cereal crops, which can be achieved by organic fertilizer. 2. Adding organic fertilizer to fertilizer production line can reduce some adverse side effects of fertilizer. If NPK fertilizer is mixed with organic fertilizer, the problem will not occur. In addition, if the physiological acid fertilizer is applied alone for

Chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment solves the rational utilization of resources

Reasonable utilization of waste resources If the excrement of livestock and crop straw are not fully and reasonably utilized, resources will be wasted, which will cause pollution and threat to people's living environment. Through the transformation of chicken manure organic fertilizer production equipment into bio organic fertilizer, the fertilizer granulator can also process organic fertilizer into solid particles and improve the product value. Organic fertilizer equipment can not only make rational use of resources, but also reduce environmental pollution, beautify the environment, promote agricultural economic development, with good economic and social benefits. Chicken manure organic fertilizer processing No matter the scale of the chicken manure organic fertilizer production line , according to the different requirements of the existing raw materials and finished products, the overall process is divided into two stages, namely, the early fermentation stage and the p

The value of oil palm waste as organic fertilizer

Oil palm is a very cold resistant tree, which is a crop with good economic value and widely planted in some areas. A large amount of waste remains after oil palm is used, which can still be recycled again and processed into fertilizer products through the organic fertilizer production line . oil palm Palm has unique biological characteristics: 1. Long fruiting period and high oil content. The results began in the third year after the oil palm was planted, and it entered the prosperous production period in 6-7 years, with an economic life of 20-25 years. The oil content of oil palm fruit is more than 50%. 2. Strong adaptability, easy to manage. Oil palm can grow in arid and barren areas, with few diseases and pests, high and stable canopy coverage. 3. Low production cost, extensive management, convenient operation and long term of return on investment. Palm waste made organic fertilizer As an example, oil palm is a cash crop in many countries, especially in Southeast Asi

Making organic fertilizer from waste bagasse

If the waste bagasse is thrown away directly, it will not only pollute the environment, but also waste resources. Sugarcane bagasse is directly dumped as waste or landfill, which causes serious secondary pollution to the environment and soil. Bagasse can be used as raw material of organic fertilizer production line , reused, and recycled in agriculture as organic fertilizer product. The organic fertilizer made from bagasse can not only be sold as a product in the market, but also meet the requirements of environmental protection and economic development. Feasibility of bagasse as organic fertilizer The effective nutrients of plant bagasse are low and the grains are coarse and long. There are many problems when it is used as organic fertilizer substrate alone, such as insufficient nutrition, too thick substrate, large space in the substrate and low water holding rate of the substrate. After fermentation, the substrate shrinks seriously and the fertilizer effect is low, which leads

How to make cow manure into bio organic fertilizer

Cow dung is transformed into fertilizer for crops through biological fermentation technology. Fermentation compost turner machine speeds up the treatment process of compost fermentation technology, making cow dung fully fermented and qualified. Fermentation composting Aerobic composting is to absorb, oxidize and decompose wastes by aerobic bacteria under aerobic conditions. Through their own life activities, microorganisms oxidize part of the absorbed organic matter into simple inorganic matter, and release the energy needed for the growth of microorganisms, while the other part of the organic matter is synthesized into new cytoplasm, so that microorganisms continue to grow and reproduce, and produce more organisms. Under artificial control, under certain water content, C / N ratio and ventilation conditions, waste organic matter is transformed into fertilizer through microbial fermentation, which is called aerobic composting. Turner machine handling cow manure compost 1. Adv

Why choose NPK fertilizer granulator? How to deal with agglomeration?

At present, NPK fertilizer granulator is widely used in organic fertilizer granulation. It is used in animal manure, wet compost, green manure, sapropel peat, cake fertilizer, urban domestic waste, etc. How to deal with the agglomeration of fertilizer granulator? After purchasing organic fertilizer raw materials, the materials will agglomerate. According to the market research, there are some agglomeration problems in the granulation of roller extrusion granulator or new type organic granulator. However, organic fertilizer production line packaging particles, should be qualified products without caking. How to solve the problem? Raw materials of organic fertilizer granulation process may be affected by fecal storage and transportation. In addition, it is related to weather and other aspects. For example, on rainy days, the surface of raw materials will get wet. It then becomes larger and more extensive, leading to caking. It is agglomerated because of improper long-term storag