
Showing posts from March, 2020

Granulation factors affecting fertilizer manufacturing

At present, due to the problems of fertilizer manufacturing process and operation technology, the output of granulator in many fertilizer plants can not meet the expected design requirements, and the surface of fertilizer particles is not smooth, the hardness is low, it is easy to break, and the powder content is high. Factors affecting the processing yield of fertilizer granulator machine 1. Material volume. Generally speaking, the larger the volume and mass of the material, the higher the pelletizing output. Therefore, when selecting the raw materials, the formulators should consider not only the batching needs, but also the bulk density of the material. 2. Material size. Fine particle size, large specific surface area, fast steam absorption, favorable for water regulation, high granulation output. However, if the particle size is too small, the particle will be brittle, which will affect the particle quality; if the particle size is too large, it will increase the wear

How to choose compost turner machine

Compost turner machine is an important machine in the production of biofertilizer project . Then, facing various compost fermentation turning machines, how to choose a suitable compost turner machine, we have summarized the following contents for purchase reference. 1. Performance: When we purchase a compost turner machine , we must first see its performance and see whether the performance is stable and safe. No matter what equipment is operated, it must be safe first. The performance of a piece of equipment depends on whether the equipment is good or not. Can be used for a long time, which will greatly affect its life. 2. Handling capacity: In order to determine the required throughput of the compost turner machine, the volume of the compost per week must be available for turning during the peak time. The throughput of a particular lathe is determined by the speed of its working stroke, and it can handle the size of the stockpile. Powerful machines generally have larger throughp

Equipment components of a small bio-organic fertilizer production line

In recent years, due to the development of animal husbandry, environmental pollution caused by animal manure has become more and more serious. How to deal with the large amount of manure produced by the farming industry becomes a headache. To cope with this problem, agricultural science and technology experts invented a small biofertilizer project production line. Next, Zhengzhou Tianci Heavy Industry will tell you what the components of a complete small organic fertilizer production line include. First, Complete set of small-scale bio-organic fertilizer production line equipment 1) Raw material stacking fermentation equipment - compost turner machine . Realize a new design of one machine with multiple tanks. 2) New type wet and dry material crusher-vertical crusher and horizontal crusher. 3) Mixing mixers-including vertical mixers, horizontal mixers, biaxial powerful mixers, etc. 4) Granulators for organic fertilizers - including disc granulators, new wet granulators, throwers

Benefits of Drum Screeners in NPK Fertilizer Production Line

Drum screening machine is a commonly used equipment in the NPK fertilizer production line . It is mainly used for the separation of finished products and returned materials. The combined screen is easy to maintain and replace. The machine has a simple structure, convenient operation and stable operation. Here are its benefits: 1. equipment noise is low. During the operation of the compound fertilizer production line equipment, the noise generated by the material and the rotating screen is completely isolated by the sealed dust cover, so that the noise cannot be transmitted to the outside of the equipment, thereby reducing the equipment noise. 2. high screening efficiency. Because the equipment is equipped with a plate-type screening mechanism, during the screening process, no matter how sticky, wet, and heterogeneous the materials entering the separation screen, the relative movement of the screening machine and the screen body can never block the screen, thereby improving the equi

Methods and equipment for the treatment of duck manure into organic fertilizer

According to the test, a duck can excrete about 100 grams of feces a day, 10,000 ducks can excrete about 1 ton of feces a day. According to the breeding cycle of 40 days, the discharge of feces will be about 40 tons. A duck farm with a market sale of 1million a year excretes about 4,000 tons of faeces.Because of the continuous discharge of faeces, it is a problem that duck farms must solve. Duck manure is a high-quality fertilizer rich in N, P and K content and quick effect, which can be used in farmland to improve soil, increase organic matter and improve soil fertility. In order to improve the economic benefits of farmers, duck manure organic fertilizer manufacturing process has become an ideal choice. So how duck manure is treated into organic fertilizer? Henan Tianci Heavy Industries Machinery will analyze the duck manure treatment into organic fertilizer particles methods and techniques for you: The production process of duck manure treated into organic fertilizer particle

Workflow and characteristics of compost turner machine

There are two types of fermentation equipment commonly used in biofertilizer project : simple groove type compost turner machine and ground-turning machines. Actually, the flip-type machines and turn-over machines are a type of equipment. The difference lies in the working mode. It can only be operated. The ground turning stacker adopts the ground walking method. This article introduces the working process and characteristics of the trough type throwing machine, hoping to help everyone better understand the fermentation equipment. Work flow of simple groove type compost turner machine : 1. Put raw materials into the inlet every day; 2. The raw materials are stirred by the equipment to the outlet every day, and the distance traveled is the same every day; 3. After 30 days of fermentation treatment, the fermentation raw materials will be fully fermented and converted into organic fertilizers; 4. After a period of aerobic fermentation, the finished organic fertilizer can be obtain

Analysis of new granulation technology for compound fertilizer

There are two types of traditional NPK fertilizer production line granulation processes: one is the rotary granulation process, and the other is the disc granulation process. The rotary granulation process is suitable for the production of high-concentration compound fertilizers, but is used to produce low-concentration compound fertilizers. When fertilizing, the material is too large, the particles are not round, and the product quality is not high. The disc granulation process is suitable for producing medium and low concentration compound fertilizers. If it is used to produce high concentration compound fertilizers, it is difficult to granulate and the yield is low. Therefore, the existing two types of compound fertilizer equipment granulation processes have their limitations. In order to save investment, most compound fertilizer equipment manufacturers often use the disc granulation process or drum granulation process, but the production of compound fertilizer has developed to th

Introduce granulation method of biological compound fertilizer production line

The granulation process is the key process of the biological  NPK fertilizer production line . Its granulation quality is a key indicator of the quality of the compound fertilizer. The granulation methods of the biological compound fertilizer production line mainly include the agglomeration method and the extrusion method. Divided into disk granulation and cylindrical granulation, according to the position of the pressure roller (and die hole), the extrusion method is divided into roll granulation, flat die granulation and ring die granulation. These granulation methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The disc granulation is intuitive and simple, the granulation rate is high (> 90%), the granules are automatically classified, the size is uniform, the unit power consumption is low, and the return is less. The requirements for mixing uniformity and fineness are high, and there is a small amount of dust spilling out. The granulation rate of cylinder granulation is low (40%

How to use organic fertilizer compost turner machine reasonably

Scientific and reasonable fermentation can improve disease-resistant organic matter. In  biofertilizer project , microorganisms are bred and a series of complex biochemical reactions. Microbes produce a large number of special metabolites, such as hormones, antibiotics, and autoimmune substances. Promote the rapid growth and development of crops, inhibit the spread of soil diseases, and improve the ability of crops to resist disease and stress. Organic fertilizers that have not been solved without fermentation do not have the above points, because the virus bacteria they carry have also become the main origin of crop diseases.  Today, Zhengzho u Tianci Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. will introduce the precautions of the process of using the organic fertilizer fermentation  compost turner machine . I hope it will be helpful to everyone. 1.Ensure ventilation at the bottom of the fermentation table; 2. Cover the pile with a pile of manure to prevent the farm manure on the air-dried

Fermentation process in the production of biological organic fertilizer

Most of the raw materials of  biofertilizer project  need to be fermented before they can be produced, and the quality of fermentation also affects the quality of fertilizers. Therefore, the fermentation of biological organic fertilizer raw materials is very important. What are the fermentation steps that biological organic fertilizers need to go through before production, and how long is the most suitable fermentation? Let’s follow Zhengzhou Tianci Heavy Industry to find out. Before the production of bio-organic fertilizer equipment, the raw materials need to be processed in 3 processes before they can be produced: 1. Before producing bio-organic fertilizers, we should first screen the raw materials for sieving, crushing, etc. In addition, we need to observe whether the water content of the raw materials  can be used for normal production. If the water content of the raw materials is greater than the production requirements, we must find a way to dry them. If the moisture content o

Uses and characteristics of compost turner machine

In recent years, with the prevalence of machinery and equipment, compost turner machine can be said to be everywhere in the  biofertilizer project . The throwing machine is the wisdom of our company for many years, and also validates our development history in these years. The purpose of the  compost turner machine : 1. The organic fertilizer pusher is an ideal device that uses modern technology to convert agricultural waste, livestock and poultry manure and organic domestic waste into high-quality biological organic fertilizer. This product is suitable for the production of bio-organic fertilizer on the ground by stack fermentation. Its mechanical equipment has the obvious advantages of low investment, low energy consumption, fast fertilizer production and large output. 2. The ground stacking fermentation needs to stack the materials into long stacks. The materials are regularly stirred and broken by the pusher, and the organic matter is decomposed under aerobic conditions.

Maintenance and use of organic fertilizer compost turner machine

The function of the organic fertilizer turning machine is to make the waste quickly decompose and shorten the fermentation cycle. The biggest advantages are crushing, aerobic, promoting microbial reproduction and quickly volatile water. High efficiency, stable operation, sturdy and durable, even turning and throwing, it is an important tool in the production of  biofertilizer project . Maintenance of organic fertilizer turning and throwing machine: 1. No one should pass by the stacker before or after the production; ring the alarm before driving, and keep personnel away from the machine to prevent accidents. 2. During  fertilizer manufacturing process , no maintenance or lubrication is required. 3. When turning over the organic fertilizer dumping machine, you must walk at the specified speed, and you must not work at speed. Specification of organic fertilizer  compost turner machine : One. Inspection before commissioning 1. Check whether the lubricating oil of the reducer